The Final Steps In The Transition From Married To Single

Posted by Carlie Berke, CDFA®

July 29, 2017

My divorce is final — I’m done! — or am I?

You signed your divorce decree and say goodbye to your divorce attorney, and set off to your new life as a single person. Wouldn’t it be a shame if all your efforts did not pay off because you did not complete a post-divorce checklist? Yes, your divorce is final, but did you…

A CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) can help you tie up your post-divorce loose ends and coordinate with your financial advisor to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

  • Make sure your ex-spouse obtained/maintains life insurance/ disability policies intended to protect child and/or spousal support in the event of disability or untimely death?
  • Create a new Will and Trust to protect those hard fought for assets for your heirs?
  • Ensure that a QDRO or DRO for dividing certain of your retirement assets such as a 401(k), was properly prepared and the assets were transferred, and/or you will receive distributions from a pension when paid?
  • Open a new IRA account to accept transfer of IRA, 401(k) and other similar retirement assets from a former spouse?

“All too often, post-divorce action items fall through the cracks because spouses believe they are “done” when the MSA is signed.”

  • Obtain health, auto, home, umbrella and other insurance policies in your name?
  • Change beneficiaries on your accounts?
  • Make sure bank, brokerage and other asset transfers occur?
  • Retitle bank, brokerage and other accounts, cars, home, etc. into your name?
  • Create a post-divorce budget?
  • Ensure you are receiving the correct monthly support on time?
  • Complete monthly reconciliation and reimbursement of shared child expenses with ex-spouse?

You have spent months, sometimes years, securing your divorce settlement. All too often, post-divorce action items fall through the cracks because spouses believe they are “done” when the MSA is signed. You may be sick of the process, burned out, feel overwhelmed, or you don’t possess the time or tools to properly secure your financial assets. If this is you, consider getting some help. A CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) can help you tie up your post-divorce loose ends and coordinate with your financial advisor to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Contact me for a complimentary consultation.

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