Still Have an Unused Wedding Ring? Don’t Throw it Away!

Posted by Carlie Berke, CDFA®

April 26, 2018

What do you do with your engagement ring or other jewelry that you no longer wear due to divorce or some other reason?

If you have a diamond engagement ring, particularly one with a center stone over 1 carat, you can sell it through a new on-line site called Worthy. The process is fully transparent and the stones are typically bid on by multiple bidders to help insure you get a better price. You can also sell watches through this process, although their primary focus is diamonds. Check out

Don’t sit on items of value that are not producing any return for you. Sell it, pay down debt or even better, invest it for your future! Put it in a 529 account for your children or grandchildren or do something nice for yourself. Make your assets work for you, not gather dust.

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